We are the first South Knoxville hydration station, and we’re committed to going above and beyond to provide our clients with the professional care and attention they need. With our highly experienced team and state-of-the-art technology, you can rest assured that Peak IV Hydration can help with any hydration situation.

This image is of people getting IV Hydration at Peak IV Hydration
This image is of people getting IV Hydration at Peak IV Hydration

Our Services

We offer IV Hydration with Vitamins and minerals for all types of needs. Our special blends are great for sports performance, beauty and wellness, illness, hangovers, and overall hydration

  • What should we know about this service? How much does it cost, what does it entail? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about this service? How much does it cost, what does it entail? Better descriptions result in more sales.

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